
重建系列 (十六):敬拜 (Worship)(台)



重建系列 (十六):敬拜 (Worship)

經文:尼希米記 12章27-47節

27 耶路撒冷城牆告成的時候,眾民就把各處的利未人招到耶路撒冷,
28-29 歌唱的人從耶路撒冷的周圍和尼陀法的村莊與伯‧吉甲,
30 祭司和利未人就潔淨自己,也潔淨百姓和城門,並城牆。
31 我帶猶大的首領上城,使稱謝的人分為兩大隊,排列而行:

32 在他們後頭的有何沙雅與猶大首領的一半,
33 又有亞撒利雅、以斯拉、米書蘭、
34 猶大、便雅憫、示瑪雅、耶利米。
35 還有些吹號之祭司的子孫,約拿單的兒子撒迦利亞。

36 又有撒迦利亞的弟兄示瑪雅、亞撒利、米拉萊、基拉萊、瑪艾、

37 他們經過泉門往前,從大衛城的臺階隨地勢而上,
38 第二隊稱謝的人要與那一隊相迎而行。

39 又過了以法蓮門、古門、魚門、哈楠業樓、哈米亞樓,直到羊門,就在護衛門站住。
40 於是,這兩隊稱謝的人連我和官長的一半,站在神的殿裡。
41 還有祭司以利亞金、瑪西雅、米拿民、米該雅、以利約乃、撒迦利亞、哈楠尼亞吹號;
42 又有瑪西雅、示瑪雅、以利亞撒、烏西、約哈難、瑪基雅、

43 那日,眾人獻大祭而歡樂;因為神使他們大大歡樂,

44 當日,派人管理庫房,將舉祭、初熟之物和所取的十分之一,

45 祭司利未人遵守神所吩咐的,並守潔淨的禮。

46 古時,在大衛和亞薩的日子,有歌唱的伶長,並有讚美稱謝神的詩歌。

47 當所羅巴伯和尼希米的時候,以色列眾人將歌唱的、守門的,


I. 引言: 上帝派遣耶穌降世的最終目的

II. 歷史的回顧
1. 586BC 猶大亡國被擄巴比倫 (王下25:8, 11)
2. 538BC 波斯王古列釋放歸回 (代下36:23)
3. 535BC 所羅巴伯開始建聖殿 (拉3:8)
4. 521BC 大利烏王再肯定建殿 (拉6:11)
5. 516BC 第二聖殿完工並獻殿 (拉615-16)
6. 458BC 以斯拉發起屬靈復興 (拉7:7-8)
7. 445BC 尼希米返鄉重建城牆 (尼2:1, 11)
8. 445BC 五十二天完工獻城禮 (尼6:15)

III. 真誠的敬拜
1. 分別為聖敬拜神 (尼12:30; 詩24:3-4)
2. 高聲讚美榮耀神 (尼12:28; 詩147:1)
3. 數算恩典感謝神 (尼12:31; 詩9:1)
4. 公開宣揚見證神 (尼12:38; 尼4:3)
5. 吟詩樂器歌頌神 (尼12:27, 46; 詩150:4)
6. 全家歡樂享受神 (尼12:43; 詩96:12)
7. 奉獻還願答謝神 (尼12:43-44; 詩56:12)

IV. 屬靈的功課
1. 追求聖潔而親近上帝 (來12:14)
2. 欣賞上帝創造而讚美 (詩8:1)
3. 數算恩典而感謝上帝 (林後9:15)
4. 打勝仗作美好的見證 (提前6:12)
5. 口唱心和同心讚美主 (弗5:19)
6. 不論處境靠主大喜樂 (腓4:4)
7. 獻上聖潔生命作活祭 (羅12:1)

V. 結論: 上帝在尋找真誠的敬拜者 (約4:23)

1. 你認為敬拜的本質是指什麼?
2. 真誠的敬拜包括了那些內容?
3. 你學到什麼敬拜的屬靈功課?


1 我要回應:

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Ode To Yahweh

My God, My Father, My Lord
I come to worship You, to praise You, and to give You thanks
With Song
With heart

Taize Prayer

Blessed the Lord my soul
And bless God's Holy Name
Blessed the Lord my soul, who leads me into life
By night I hasten in darkness to search for living water
Only my thirst leads me onward
Jesus, Emmanuel
Enter my heart and fill all my longings
Live in me today
Wait for the Lord whose day is near
Wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart
Come and fill my heart with Your peace
You alone, O Lord, are holy

The One And Only

The Maker of heaven and earth is my God
Is the One and Only God whom I exalt
From the rising of the sun to the place of its setting
Men know You are the One and my Only God
There is no other besides You

Trace On The Cross

Kneeling before the cross, I weep
Trace of Your blood on the cross is the witness of Your endless love for me
Trace of my tears on the cross is the witness of my thankful heart for the Lord

The NightEagle's Song

There is the bird
NightEagle it is called
It loves to sing
It sings only at night
Heaven is quiet and the moon is there
Singing for the moon this bird is destined
It sings only for the moon
It sings, sings and sings
Sick or faint, it keeps singing with heart
Till that day, its heart bleeds
Blood drips down to the earth from its lips
It still sings, sings, keeps singing with heart
Till its last note quiets the universe
It sings for love
It dies for love

With this Song I dedicate my life to You
My God, my Father, my Lord
This is the sign of the Covenant of Love between You and me
This is our everlasting sign

To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
Be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever
Amen. Amen. Amen.